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150 years of history

150 years of history

Al Qurashi family and the history

Al Qurashi family is proud of its heritage and expertise in Oud and perfume since more than 150 years. Its brilliant success has started in 1852 and has been passed down from generation to generation...



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The legacy of Sheikh Abdul-Samad Al-Qurashi (may Allah have mercy on him) passed on to his sons Ihsan, Zuhair, Muhammad, Anas and his daughter Najla, whose brothers shared creativity by putting their touches and tastes in the women's mix to complement the successful aromatic father's journey.

Through his own company where he created and succeeded and shine each in his way in the world of perfumes, during the march of the founder who refined the children.

  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Samad Al - Qurashi

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Samad Al - Qurashi

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis convallis, arcu a placerat volutpat, nisl felis laoreet massa, ac tristique mauris est sed orci.

    Quisque semper sagittis tincidunt. Proin semper justo vitae libero ornare, quis tempus elit tincidunt. Pellentesque non mattis orci. Morbi lobortis odio velit, at ullamcorper turpis porta sed. Nam ullamcorper elit massa, vitae fermentum dui ultricies id. Donec posuere purus et purus sodales, at vestibulum mi tincidunt.

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  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Samad Al - Qurashi

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul profile 01

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, coerctetur adipiscing elit. Duis convallis, arcu a placerat volutpat, nisl felis laoreet mfdgssa, ac tristique mauris est sed orci.

    Quisque sempedcrdoin semper justo vitae libero orsdfquisdfdg tempus elit tincidunt. Pelldfxgentesque non mattis orci. Morbi lobortis odio velit, at ullamcorper turpis porta sed. Nam ullamcorper elit massa, vitae fermentum dui ultriciedfdgfs id. Donec posuere purus et purus sodales, at vestibulum mi tincidunt.

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  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Samad Al - Qurashi

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul profile 02

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, fthfnconsectetur adipiscing elit. Duis convallis, arcu a placerat volutpat, nisl felis ldhaoreet massa, ac tristique mauris est sed orci.

    Quisque semper sagittis tinciddhunt. Proin semper justo vitae libero ornfgnare, quis dfhtempus elit tindhdcidunt. Pellentesque non mattis orci. Morbi lobortis odio velit, at ullamcorper turpis porta sed. Namdh ullamcdfhorper elit massa, vitae fermentum dui ultricies id. Donec posuere purus et purus sodales, at vestibulum mi tincidunt.

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  • Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Samad Al - Qurashi

    Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul profile 03

    Lorem ipsumdbd dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis convallis, arcsdgsdgdu a placerat volutsdgpat, nisl fsgdelis laoreet massa, ac tristique mauris est sed orci.

    Quisque semgsgper sagittis tingscidunt. Proin semper justo vitae libero ornare, quis tempus elit tincidugdfgnt. Pellentesque ndfgon mattis orci. Morbi lobortis odio velit, at ullamcorper turpis porta sed. Namsgs ullamcorper elit massa, vitae fermentum dui ultricies id. Dofsgdnec posuere purus et purus sodales, at vestibulum mi tincidunt.

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A living legacy that goes on

Sheikh Al Qurashi was renowned by his love of science, culture and knowledge as much as his love and attachment to perfume. This legendary history is still living nowadays in Abdul Samad Al Qurashi company with thousands of products, hundreds of distribution points and retail stores all over the world.

Future Vision & belief

The sons of Sheikh Al Qurashi proceeded the mission prudently with a great sense of love and respect to the legacy and values of their father and a clear future vision for business development and international growth through franchising.

Abdul Samad al Qurashi family has an obligation to send great moral values from Makkah to the whole world.
